Violet Essential Oil
Latin name Viola odorata – Family species Violaceae
Violet, also referred to as English Violet, Garden Violet, Blue Violet, Sweet-scented Violet, have been available as an oil made from the leaves and an oil made from the flowers. Violet leaf oil (absolute) is reported to be used more therapeutically and in perfumery. It is said that true violet essential oil (from the flower) does not exist, that violet flower absolute is impossible (or difficult) to obtain anymore, and that any violet oil that currently purports to be from the flower is most likely a synthetic replacement.
Oil Selection Guide
Color – dark green (leaf), yellow green (flower)
Viscosity – Viscous (both)
Scent – the leaf oil is green, earthy and leafy; the flower oil is rich, sweet, and floral in nature
Perfume Aroma – Middle / top note
Oil Source Information
Plant Type – Plant
Parts Used – Leaves / Flowers
Countries of Origin – Italy, France, England, Greece, China
Extraction Method – Solvent extraction
Known Chemical Constituents
nonadienal, parmone, hexyl alcohol, bezyl alcohol, ionone, viola quercitin
Applications and Uses
Some aromatherapy applications. Violet is also used in perfumery, and sometimes as a commercial confectionery flavoring.
Violet blends well with
Precautions / Contraindications
It is cautioned to use violet only in moderation (if at all).
Violet can cause irritation to sensitive skin.
See also Essential Oils Safety and Usage.
References and Resources
See Aromatherapy References and Resources page.
A violet in the youth of primy nature,
Forward, not permanent, sweet, not lasting,
The perfume and suppliance of a minute;
No more.
~William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
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